Top-Rated Refillable Deodorant⭐️ — $15

The most advanced natural deodorant ever — in a revolutionary, refillable container that saves the planet from plastic waste.

  • Baking soda and arrowroot powder work together to absorb moisture and kill b.o.-causing bacteria.
  • Our container made with a PLA & straw blend.
  • No GMO's | aluminum-free | paraben-free | vegan | gluten-free | plant and mineral-based | ethically-made.

🌿 Comes with —

  • one Kindfill (refill) in our best-selling Eucalyptus scent (for more scent options, visit our website)
  • a reusable container in the color of your choosing.

Already have a container? Visit our website to purchase your refills without a container.


🌎 100% carbon neutral. Each time you refill, you save 1.49oz of plastic waste from your routine.  

A single routine can shape our planet’s future — yours.